Looking To Sell Your Home? When You Should Consider Using The Services Of A Home Staging Company


Most people know that if a home is empty, a home stager can come in and place furniture and accessories in the home, making it look lived in. This can help to sell the home faster. However, what you may not know is that a home does not have to be empty for you to consider using a home stager. There are many other reasons why you may use a stager aside from the home not being lived in at the time.

26 October 2017

Tips to Prepare for a Full House This Holiday Season While You Have a Bathroom Under Construction


With the holidays here, families are gathering and traveling. When you have family at your home for the holidays, you will want to make sure that everything is prepared. Renovations that are not complete during the holidays will make having house guests a challenge. Here are some tips that can help you prepare your home for house guests during the holidays while you are in the middle of renovations. 1. Use Temporary Fixtures to Create an Emergency Bathroom

14 December 2016

3 Ways To Open Up Your Home For A Modern Design And More Space


One of the problems that you may have with an older home is closed confined space. This can be due to walls that separate the main living areas of your home, such as the kitchen and living room. If you want your home to seem more spacious, you may want to open up these areas. Here are some of the ways you can open up your home to make it seem more spacious:

5 February 2016

Decorative Uses For Shutters


Shutters have long been used for exterior windows, either as a decorative way to highlight your exterior windows, or operable to close and protect your windows. Shutters can also be used around the interior of your home in a decorative manner. You can use new shutters, old shutters, or make your own with wood and some paint. See below for tips on how to repurpose shutters in your home. Headboard

11 August 2015

Refinishing Your Hardwood Flooring


If you have hardwood floors throughout your home, maintenance needs to be done periodically to keep them looking new and free from scratches and scuffs. In time, your hardware flooring may need a pick-me-up by refinishing the surface to make it look its best. Here are some instructions for you to use to refinish your hardware flooring on your own. Making Preparations Remove all furniture and personal belongings out of the room where you wish to start the job.

21 May 2015

3 Little-Known Drapery Secrets


There is little doubt that changing your drapes can dramatically change the look of your room. You don't have to have customized drapes to make your windows look like they've been measured, sewn and hung by professionals. As with anything else in life, there are tips and tricks to make your drapes appear to have been created specifically for your windows. If you want to use drapes to change the look of your room, these three secrets will help.

2 April 2015

3 Ways To Customize Glass Shower Doors During A Bathroom Remodel


Clear glass shower doors can make a small bathroom look larger and can tie together a modern design scheme. But if you have a large bathroom with a different design scheme, the plain glass might seem overly-stark compared to the personality in the rest of the room. But there are ways you can customize glass shower doors both before and after a bathroom remodel. Here are a few ways you can tie your shower door design into your bathroom decor:

25 March 2015