3 Ways To Open Up Your Home For A Modern Design And More Space


One of the problems that you may have with an older home is closed confined space. This can be due to walls that separate the main living areas of your home, such as the kitchen and living room. If you want your home to seem more spacious, you may want to open up these areas. Here are some of the ways you can open up your home to make it seem more spacious:

1.Opening Exterior Walls With An All Seasons Addition

If you are considering adding to your home, you may want to consider an all seasons addition. This can be a sunroom that is open to an area like a living room or dining room. These additions can also give you the benefit of passive heating to help keep your home during the winter months. It can also have cooling to help keep your home cool during the summer months. An all seasons room can also help to give your home more natural light if you have smaller windows and little light coming in.

2. Creating Open Space With A Pass-Through For The Kitchen

If you are looking for more affordable improvements that are simpler, a kitchen pass-through may be a good option. This can help open a kitchen to areas like dining rooms. The pass-through can be a simple window type opening, or it can be complete with a narrow counter top and bar seating to give you more seating for your dining room and kitchen. This can be a good option if you do not plan on completely remodeling your kitchen and just want to open the space up a little more.

3. Removing Walls To Create Open, Connected Spaces In Your Home

If your home has a design with walls that separate rooms and make your home seem more confined, you may want to consider removing them. Walls between the kitchen, living room and dining room can be removed to make your home seem more spacious. When they are removed, beams will be installed to support structural loads and give you the open space you want to have in your home.

These are some ways you may want to consider to open up your home and make it seem more spacious. If you are ready to give your home an open, modern makeover, contact a home remodeling contractor and talk with them about using some of these ideas. Contact companies like Kitchen & Bath Innovations for more information.


5 February 2016

Interior Designs: Reviving Wallpaper, Vinyl Stickers and Printed Patterns

Hi, my name is Carole, and I am still in love with a lot of the decorative ideas that surrounded me in my childhood during the late 1970s and early 1980s. I love shag carpeting, patterned wallpaper and wild couch prints that look like they match your bell bottoms. However, I am not stuck in the past. Instead, I have learned to integrate these passions into my overall sense of style. If you want to learn how to integrate the best design ideas from previous decades into your home decor without making your home seem old or dated, please explore. This blog is going to cover all of the tips you need.